Sunday, November 22, 2009

Late Autumn as the light wanes

I notice on my daily walks down the rural lane where I live on the coast of Maine that the quality of light even in the height of day takes on the color of antique gold. The nip of the ocean breeze on my nose makes me want to hurry the dogs a little faster to get back to my cozy cottage for a cup of hot chocolate. Later as I gaze out my front window towards the ocean that is obscured by the large conifers that sway gently in the cool ocean breeze, I yawn and wonder what the work week will bring and when the first flakes of winter will start to fall. I will feel drowsy and dreamy until the ground freezes and the time is here to don the warm gloves and hit the pond for some ice fishing.

I will be visiting areas around the island with photographs and descriptions of the beauty I find in and around Acadia National Park for others who love this beautiful place.

I hope you enjoy my first installment.

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